CrystalMaker Guide: Bond Specifications
Defining Individual BondsYou can use the Add/Delete Bond Tool If you hold down the shift key as you click the second atom, CrystalMaker will generate similar bonds throughout the plotted structure. Defining Specific BondsYou can use the Edit Bond Specifications dialog (Edit > Bond Specs) to request gobal bond specifications, on the basis of atom types (element symbols) and their maximum separations. Automatic Bond GenerationYou can use the Transform > Generate Bonds command to search through the structure and generate bonds for all atoms whose interatomic separations lie within 15% of the sum of their radii. Note: you may need to edit atomic radii for this method to work. In some cases you may wish to import a new Element Table (Edit > Elements) - e.g., if you usually work with ionic structures but wish to plot an organic structures, you might want to temporarily use atomic radii corresponding to those found in organic structures. © 1998 CrystalMaker Software. All rights reserved |